Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And When I Get Where Im Going

        Last week we talked about my latest visit to the hospital where I was told that not only do I have JM but I also have a disease called MADD. By the way, that's just an abbreviation for a much longer and complicated word of which I can not spell correctly yet lol. In order to help the disease become under control I have to take special vitamins  I have to eat a VERY low fat diet, and I should also stay away from exercise! WHAT!?!?! How the heck am I supposed to get stronger from having JM if I don't exercise??? This is just crazy RIGHT?!? Not to mention the fact that my muscles already have atrophied due to the fact that I have not been able to exercise as much because I was so weak from the effects of JM.
      It really got me down because one of my goals that I was working toward was being able to run at least a 5k once I got better. The geneticist told me that I would not even be able to do that because it could send my system into shock and cause problems with my liver, which could be fatal  At this point I could have just said that this was the final straw and that there is no use to even trying anymore. I couldn't do that though. I have come so far since this time last year. Its hard to think that when I was first diagnosed about a year ago I couldn't sit up in bed or put my own hair up in a ponytail . So just recently I posted a status on my Facebook that said "Determination. It's what runs me. I'm going to walk across the stage for graduation. I will not give up and I will keep pushing everyday to get stronger." These words have been running through my mind EVERY SINGLE DAY since I was diagnosed with a second disease.
      No matter what is to come at me in life I will always keep pushing on. Being sick has taught me many things, but one thing that always remains in my mind is that life is too short to give up. Life is too short to be unhappy. Life is to short to not give it your all. So my "word of the week" is going to be Determination because I am determined that this is not all that I am. I may not be able to run a whole 5k but I will complete it. I will get to the finish line when it is my time to. Nothing can stop me.
      I think that as humans we are all somewhat goal orientated in some way. My goal is to walk across the stage for graduation and I know that I will. I will push everyday to get to that point. When I'm standing on that stage it might seem like a long way to the other side but no matter what  I will walk it. I have work to hard and too long to just let someone push me across the stage in a wheelchair I challenge you all to try something that you might not have done before. Push yourself to be a better person. Forgive. Lose weight. Try a new food. Whatever it may be do it, and do it to the best of your ability.

P.S. I would love to get some feed back from my readers! I have been thinking about doing a post maybe once a week on some health and fitness tools since I have been able to get so healthy even though I am on so many different meds, including steroids  I think that if I can do it with TWO muscle diseases that you can as well. I have faith in you all. SO PLEASE give me some feedback on what YOU would like to see in some of my blogs or maybe simply a comment on what you think of my past post! Thank you all once again for being such faithful followers! I love each and everyone of you. It is support that helps push me along to be the best that I can be. Yep! Thats right! Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back!
     I would also like to mention that last weekend my boyfriend Connor and my sisters boyfriend Sean were both baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Religion last weekend. I also confirmed as well. It was such a beautiful sight to see how the holy spirit was working inside of them and is still filling them with so much love and faith. So I ask you all tonight that if you pray to please pray for them that God will continue to work in them. Please pray that God continues to heal me and bring me as much happiness as he has been bringing me. I am so lucky to share my happiness, love and now my faith with Connor the one who I love with all my heart. Thank you God for bringing me such blessings throughout my life!

If you would like to learn more about the Cure JM Foundation please visit
If you would like to learn more about MADD please visit
                                    Connor and Sean with their sponsors after they were baptised.
                               Connor and I after we were confirmed and he recieved his first communion!
                                                           My dad and I after church.
Me and my Mimi who was also my sponsor.
                                                  Just a great picture of my Aunt and I!
Family picture that includes my two sisters, grandparents, mom and dad and the boyfriends! All thats missing                                            is my nana.